Uninstall & Re-Install O365
Open an Admin Powershell Window (win Key + X, Press "A")
Paste the Following:
Get-AppxPackage -name “Microsoft.Office.Desktop” | Remove-AppxPackage
Install-Module MSOnline
try {
Add-Type -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -TypeDefinition @"
public enum OfficeCTRVersion
} catch {}
try {
$enum = "
using System;
namespace Microsoft.Office
public enum Products
Unknown = 0,
O365ProPlusRetail = 1,
O365BusinessRetail = 2,
VisioProRetail = 4,
ProjectProRetail = 8,
SPDRetail = 16,
VisioProXVolume = 32,
VisioStdXVolume = 64,
ProjectProXVolume = 128,
ProjectStdXVolume = 256,
InfoPathRetail = 512,
SkypeforBusinessEntryRetail = 1024,
LyncEntryRetail = 2048,
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $enum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {}
try {
$enum2 = "
using System;
public enum LogLevel
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $enum2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {}
try {
Add-Type -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -TypeDefinition @"
public enum PinAction
} catch {}
function Install-OfficeClickToRun {
Installs Office Click-To-Run
Installs Office Click-To-Run using a specified configuration file or targetfilepath.
.PARAMETER ConfigurationXML
The path to a pre-configured configuration.xml file used for installation.
.PARAMETER TargetFilePath
If no ConfigurationXML is specified, this is the path where the generated configuration.xml will be saved.
If $true, all Office apps will be pinned to the Start Menu in Windows 10.
.PARAMETER OfficeVersion
The version of Office Click-To-Run to install. Available options are Office2013 and Office2016.
.PARAMETER WaitForInstallToFinish
If $true, the PowerShell console will remain open and provide status updates until Office is finished installing.
Choose one or multiple Office applications to pin to the Start Menu after the installation is finished.
Choose one or multiple Office applications to pin to the Taskbar after the installation is finished. Pinning applications
to the Taskbar in Windows 10 is not natively supported.
Install-OfficeClickToRun -ConfigurationXML C:\OfficeDeployment\configuration.xml
Office 2016 Click-To-Run will be installed using the settings in the specified configuration.xml.
Install-OfficeClickToRun -TargetFilePath $env:temp\configuration.xml
Office 2016 Click-To-Run will be installed using an auto-generated configuration file that will be saved to the temp directory.
Install-OfficeClickToRun -TargetFilePath $env:temp\configuration.xml -PinToStartMenu Word,Excel,Outlook -WaitForInstallToFinish $false
Office 2016 Click-To-Run will be installed using an auto-generated configuration file that will be saved to the temp directory. Microsoft
Word, Excel, and Outlook will be pinned to the Start Menu. The PowerShell console will not provide status updates of the installation.
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
[string] $ConfigurationXML = $NULL,
[string] $TargetFilePath = $NULL,
[OfficeCTRVersion] $OfficeVersion = "Office2016",
[bool] $WaitForInstallToFinish = $true,
[ValidateSet("AllOfficeApps","None","Word","Excel","PowerPoint","OneNote","Access","Publisher","Outlook","Skype for Business",
"OneDrive for Business","Project","Visio")]
[ValidateSet("AllOfficeApps","None","Word","Excel","PowerPoint","OneNote","Access","Publisher","Outlook","Skype for Business",
"OneDrive for Business","Project","Visio")]
[bool]$InstallProofingTools = $false,
Set-Alias -name LINENUM -value Get-CurrentLineNumber
$currentFileName = Get-CurrentFileName
$scriptRoot = GetScriptRoot
#Load the file
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Loading the configuration xml file..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
[System.XML.XMLDocument]$ConfigFile = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
if ($TargetFilePath) {
$ConfigFile.Load($TargetFilePath) | Out-Null
} else {
if ($ConfigurationXml)
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($ConfigurationXml) | Out-Null
$global:saveLastConfigFile = $NULL
$TargetFilePath = $NULL
[string]$officeCtrPath = ""
if ($OfficeVersion -eq "Office2013") {
$officeCtrPath = Join-Path $scriptRoot "Office2013Setup.exe"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $officeCtrPath)) {
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Cannot find the Office 2013 Setup executable" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
throw "Cannot find the Office 2013 Setup executable"
if ($OfficeVersion -eq "Office2016") {
$officeCtrPath = $scriptRoot + "\Office2016Setup.exe"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $officeCtrPath)) {
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Cannot find the Office 2016 Setup executable" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
throw "Cannot find the Office 2016 Setup executable"
if (!($TargetFilePath)) {
if ($ConfigurationXML) {
$TargetFilePath = $scriptRoot + "\configuration.xml"
New-Item -Path $TargetFilePath -ItemType "File" -Value $ConfigurationXML -Force | Out-Null
if (!(Test-Path -Path $TargetFilePath)) {
$TargetFilePath = $scriptRoot + "\configuration.xml"
$products = Get-ODTProductToAdd -TargetFilePath $TargetFilePath
$addNode = Get-ODTAdd -TargetFilePath $TargetFilePath
$sourcePath = $addNode.SourcePath
$version = $addNode.Version
$edition = $addNode.OfficeClientEdition
foreach ($product in $products)
if ($product) {
$languages = getProductLanguages -Product $product
$existingLangs = checkForLanguagesInSourceFiles -Languages $languages -SourcePath $sourcePath -Version $version -Edition $edition
if ($product.ProductId) {
Set-ODTProductToAdd -TargetFilePath $TargetFilePath -ProductId $product.ProductId -LanguageIds $existingLangs -LogFilePath $LogFilePath | Out-Null
$localPath = "$env:TEMP\setup.exe"
Copy-Item -Path $officeCtrPath -Destination $localPath -Force
$cmdLine = $localPath
$cmdArgs = "/configure " + '"' + $TargetFilePath + '"'
Write-Host "Installing Office Click-To-Run..."
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Installing Office 365 ProPlus..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if ($WaitForInstallToFinish) {
StartProcess -execFilePath $cmdLine -execParams $cmdArgs -WaitForExit $false
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Waiting for Office to finish installing..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
Wait-ForOfficeCTRInstall -OfficeVersion $OfficeVersion -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
}else {
StartProcess -execFilePath $cmdLine -execParams $cmdArgs -WaitForExit $true
if(($PinToStartMenu) -or ($PinToTaskbar)){
Write-Host ""
$ClickToRun = Get-OfficeVersion
if($ClickToRun.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]"){
$C2RVersion = $ClickToRun[0]
} else {
$C2RVersion = $ClickToRun
$ClickToRun = $true
$InstallPath = $C2RVersion.InstallPath
$officeVersionInt = $C2RVersion.Version.Split('.')[0]
if($PinToStartMenu -eq 'AllOfficeApps'){
$OfficeAppPinnedStatus = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus
} else {
if($PinToStartMenu -ne "None"){
$OfficeAppPinnedStatus = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus -OfficeApps $PinToStartMenu
if($OfficeAppPinnedStatus -ne $NULL){
foreach($app in $OfficeAppPinnedStatus){
if($app.PinToStartMenuAvailable -eq $true){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Pinning $app.name to the Start Menu" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
Set-OfficePinnedApplication -Action PinToStartMenu -OfficeApps $app.Name -ClickToRun $ClickToRun -InstallPath $InstallPath -OfficeVersion $officeVersionInt -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
$allPinnedApps = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus
if($PinToStartMenu -ne 'AllOfficeApps'){
foreach($app in $allPinnedApps){
if($PinToStartMenu -notcontains $app.Name){
if($app.PinToStartMenuAvailable -eq $false){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Removing $app.name from the Start Menu" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
Set-OfficePinnedApplication -Action UnpinFromStartMenu -OfficeApps $app.Name -ClickToRun $ClickToRun -InstallPath $InstallPath -OfficeVersion $officeVersionInt -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
} else {
if([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10){
$OfficeAppPinnedStatus = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus | ? {$_.PinToStartMenuAvailable -eq $true}
foreach($app in $PinnedStartMenuApps){
if($OfficeAppPinnedStatus.Name -contains $app.Name){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Pinning $app.name to the Start Menu" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
Set-OfficePinnedApplication -Action PinToStartMenu -OfficeApps $app.Name -ClickToRun $ClickToRun -InstallPath $InstallPath -OfficeVersion $officeVersionInt -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if(($PinToTaskbar) -and ([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -lt 10)){
if($PinToTaskbar -eq 'AllOfficeApps'){
$OfficeAppPinnedStatus = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus
} else {
$OfficeAppPinnedStatus = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus -OfficeApps $PinToTaskbar
foreach($app in $OfficeAppPinnedStatus){
if($app.PinToTaskbarAvailable -eq $true){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Pinning $app.name to the Taskbar" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
Set-OfficePinnedApplication -Action PinToTaskbar -OfficeApps $app.Name -ClickToRun $ClickToRun -InstallPath $InstallPath -OfficeVersion $officeVersionInt -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
$pinnedApp += $app.Name
$allPinnedApps = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus
if($PinToTaskbar -ne 'AllOfficeApps'){
foreach($app in $allPinnedApps){
if($PinToTaskbar -notcontains $app.Name){
if($app.PinToTaskbarAvailable -eq $false){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Removing $app.name from the Taskbar" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
Set-OfficePinnedApplication -Action UnpinFromTaskbar -OfficeApps $app.Name -ClickToRun $ClickToRun -InstallPath $InstallPath -OfficeVersion $officeVersionInt -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
} else {
if([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10){
$OfficeAppPinnedStatus = GetOfficeAppVerbStatus | ? {$_.PinToTaskbarAvailable -eq $true}
foreach($app in $PinnedTaskbarApps){
if($OfficeAppPinnedStatus.Name -contains $app.Name){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Pinning $app.name to the Taskbar" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
Set-OfficePinnedApplication -Action PinToTaskbar -OfficeApps $app.Name -ClickToRun $ClickToRun -InstallPath $InstallPath -OfficeVersion $officeVersionInt -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if($InstallProofingTools -eq $true){
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Installing Proofing Tools..."
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Installing Proofing Tools..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if((Get-OfficeVersion).Bitness -eq "32-bit"){
$proofingToolFileName = "proofingtools2016_en-us-x86.exe"
} else {
$proofingToolFileName = "proofingtools2016_en-us-x64.exe"
$clientCulture = (Get-OfficeVersion).ClientCulture
$proofingLangLCID = ([globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultures("allCultures") | where {$_.Name.ToLower() -match $clientCulture}).LCID
$commandArgs = "/lang:$proofingLangLCID /quiet /passive /norestart"
Start-Process -FilePath .\$proofingToolFileName -ArgumentList $commandArgs
Function Get-OfficeVersion {
Gets the Office Version installed on the computer
This function will query the local or a remote computer and return the information about Office Products installed on the computer
Name: Get-OfficeVersion
Version: 1.0.5
DateCreated: 2015-07-01
DateUpdated: 2016-10-14
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The computer or list of computers from which to query
.PARAMETER ShowAllInstalledProducts
Will expand the output to include all installed Office products
Will return the locally installed Office product
Get-OfficeVersion -ComputerName client01,client02
Will return the installed Office product on the remote computers
Get-OfficeVersion | select *
Will return the locally installed Office product with all of the available properties
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
begin {
$HKLM = [UInt32] "0x80000002"
$HKCR = [UInt32] "0x80000000"
$excelKeyPath = "Excel\DefaultIcon"
$wordKeyPath = "Word\DefaultIcon"
$installKeys = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall',
$officeKeys = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office',
$defaultDisplaySet = 'DisplayName','Version', 'ComputerName'
$defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$defaultDisplaySet)
$PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)
process {
$results = new-object PSObject[] 0;
$MSexceptionList = "mui","visio","project","proofing","visual"
foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) {
if ($Credentials) {
$os=Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem -computername $computer -Credential $Credentials
} else {
$os=Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem -computername $computer
$osArchitecture = $os.OSArchitecture
if ($Credentials) {
$regProv = Get-Wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -namespace root\default -computername $computer -Credential $Credentials
} else {
$regProv = Get-Wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -namespace root\default -computername $computer
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$VersionList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$PathList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$PackageList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$ClickToRunPathList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$ConfigItemList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$ClickToRunList = new-object PSObject[] 0;
foreach ($regKey in $officeKeys) {
$officeVersion = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $regKey)
foreach ($key in $officeVersion.sNames) {
if ($key -match "\d{2}\.\d") {
if (!$VersionList.Contains($key)) {
$AddItem = $VersionList.Add($key)
$path = join-path $regKey $key
$configPath = join-path $path "Common\Config"
$configItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $configPath)
if ($configItems) {
foreach ($configId in $configItems.sNames) {
if ($configId) {
$Add = $ConfigItemList.Add($configId.ToUpper())
$cltr = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstallPath -Value ""
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UpdatesEnabled -Value $false
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UpdateUrl -Value ""
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StreamingFinished -Value $false
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Platform -Value ""
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClientCulture -Value ""
$packagePath = join-path $path "Common\InstalledPackages"
$clickToRunPath = join-path $path "ClickToRun\Configuration"
$virtualInstallPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "InstallationPath").sValue
[string]$officeLangResourcePath = join-path $path "Common\LanguageResources"
$mainLangId = $regProv.GetDWORDValue($HKLM, $officeLangResourcePath, "SKULanguage").uValue
if ($mainLangId) {
$mainlangCulture = [globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultures("allCultures") | where {$_.LCID -eq $mainLangId}
if ($mainlangCulture) {
$cltr.ClientCulture = $mainlangCulture.Name
[string]$officeLangPath = join-path $path "Common\LanguageResources\InstalledUIs"
$langValues = $regProv.EnumValues($HKLM, $officeLangPath);
if ($langValues) {
foreach ($langValue in $langValues) {
$langCulture = [globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultures("allCultures") | where {$_.LCID -eq $langValue}
if ($virtualInstallPath) {
} else {
$clickToRunPath = join-path $regKey "ClickToRun\Configuration"
$virtualInstallPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "InstallationPath").sValue
if ($virtualInstallPath) {
if (!$ClickToRunPathList.Contains($virtualInstallPath.ToUpper())) {
$AddItem = $ClickToRunPathList.Add($virtualInstallPath.ToUpper())
$cltr.InstallPath = $virtualInstallPath
$cltr.StreamingFinished = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "StreamingFinished").sValue
$cltr.UpdatesEnabled = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "UpdatesEnabled").sValue
$cltr.UpdateUrl = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "UpdateUrl").sValue
$cltr.Platform = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "Platform").sValue
$cltr.ClientCulture = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "ClientCulture").sValue
$ClickToRunList += $cltr
$packageItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $packagePath)
$officeItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $path)
foreach ($itemKey in $officeItems.sNames) {
$itemPath = join-path $path $itemKey
$installRootPath = join-path $itemPath "InstallRoot"
$filePath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $installRootPath, "Path").sValue
if (!$PathList.Contains($filePath)) {
$AddItem = $PathList.Add($filePath)
foreach ($packageGuid in $packageItems.sNames) {
$packageItemPath = join-path $packagePath $packageGuid
$packageName = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $packageItemPath, "").sValue
if (!$PackageList.Contains($packageName)) {
if ($packageName) {
$AddItem = $PackageList.Add($packageName.Replace(' ', '').ToLower())
foreach ($regKey in $installKeys) {
$keyList = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$keys = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $regKey)
foreach ($key in $keys.sNames) {
$path = join-path $regKey $key
$installPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "InstallLocation").sValue
if (!($installPath)) { continue }
if ($installPath.Length -eq 0) { continue }
$buildType = "64-Bit"
if ($osArchitecture -eq "32-bit") {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($regKey.ToUpper().Contains("Wow6432Node".ToUpper())) {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($key -match "{.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-1000-0000000FF1CE}") {
$buildType = "64-Bit"
if ($key -match "{.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-0000-0000000FF1CE}") {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($modifyPath) {
if ($modifyPath.ToLower().Contains("platform=x86")) {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($modifyPath.ToLower().Contains("platform=x64")) {
$buildType = "64-Bit"
$primaryOfficeProduct = $false
$officeProduct = $false
foreach ($officeInstallPath in $PathList) {
if ($officeInstallPath) {
$installReg = "^" + $installPath.Replace('\', '\\')
$installReg = $installReg.Replace('(', '\(')
$installReg = $installReg.Replace(')', '\)')
if ($officeInstallPath -match $installReg) { $officeProduct = $true }
} catch {}
if (!$officeProduct) { continue };
$name = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "DisplayName").sValue
$primaryOfficeProduct = $true
if ($ConfigItemList.Contains($key.ToUpper()) -and $name.ToUpper().Contains("MICROSOFT OFFICE")) {
foreach($exception in $MSexceptionList){
if($name.ToLower() -match $exception.ToLower()){
$primaryOfficeProduct = $false
} else {
$primaryOfficeProduct = $false
$clickToRunComponent = $regProv.GetDWORDValue($HKLM, $path, "ClickToRunComponent").uValue
$uninstallString = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "UninstallString").sValue
if (!($clickToRunComponent)) {
if ($uninstallString) {
if ($uninstallString.Contains("OfficeClickToRun")) {
$clickToRunComponent = $true
$modifyPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "ModifyPath").sValue
$version = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "DisplayVersion").sValue
$cltrUpdatedEnabled = $NULL
$cltrUpdateUrl = $NULL
$clientCulture = $NULL;
[string]$clickToRun = $false
if ($clickToRunComponent) {
$clickToRun = $true
if ($name.ToUpper().Contains("MICROSOFT OFFICE")) {
$primaryOfficeProduct = $true
foreach ($cltr in $ClickToRunList) {
if ($cltr.InstallPath) {
if ($cltr.InstallPath.ToUpper() -eq $installPath.ToUpper()) {
$cltrUpdatedEnabled = $cltr.UpdatesEnabled
$cltrUpdateUrl = $cltr.UpdateUrl
if ($cltr.Platform -eq 'x64') {
$buildType = "64-Bit"
if ($cltr.Platform -eq 'x86') {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
$clientCulture = $cltr.ClientCulture
if (!$primaryOfficeProduct) {
if (!$ShowAllInstalledProducts) {
$object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{DisplayName = $name; Version = $version; InstallPath = $installPath; ClickToRun = $clickToRun;
Bitness=$buildType; ComputerName=$computer; ClickToRunUpdatesEnabled=$cltrUpdatedEnabled; ClickToRunUpdateUrl=$cltrUpdateUrl;
ClientCulture=$clientCulture }
$object | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers
$results += $object
$results = Get-Unique -InputObject $results
return $results;
Function checkForLanguagesInSourceFiles() {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
$Languages = $NULL,
[string]$SourcePath = $NULL,
[string]$Version = $NULL,
[string]$Edition = $NULL
$scriptRoot = GetScriptRoot
$returnLanguages = @()
if (!($SourcePath)) {
$localSource = $scriptRoot + "\Office\Data"
if (Test-Path -Path $localSource) {
$SourcePath = $scriptRoot
if (!($Version)) {
$localPath = $env:TEMP
$cabPath = $scriptRoot + "\Office\Data\v$Edition.cab"
$cabFolderPath = $scriptRoot + "\Office\Data"
$vdXmlPath = $localPath + "\VersionDescriptor.xml"
if (Test-Path -Path $cabPath) {
Invoke-Expression -Command "Expand $cabPath -F:VersionDescriptor.xml $localPath" | Out-Null
$Version = getVersionFromVersionDescriptor -vesionDescriptorPath $vdXmlPath
Remove-Item -Path $vdXmlPath -Force
$verionDir = $scriptRoot + "\Office\Data\$Version"
if (Test-Path -Path $verionDir) {
foreach ($lang in $Languages) {
$fileName = "stream.x86.$lang.dat"
if ($Edition -eq "64") {
$fileName = "stream.x64.$lang.dat"
$langFile = $verionDir + "\" + $fileName
if (Test-Path -Path $langFile) {
$returnLanguages += $lang
return $returnLanguages
Function getVersionFromVersionDescriptor() {
[string] $vesionDescriptorPath = $NULL
[System.XML.XMLDocument]$doc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
if ($vesionDescriptorPath) {
$doc.Load($vesionDescriptorPath) | Out-Null
return $doc.DocumentElement.Available.Build
Function getProductLanguages() {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
$Product = $NULL
$languages = @()
foreach ($language in $Product.Languages)
if (!($languages -contains ($language))) {
$languages += $language
return $languages
Function getUniqueLanguages() {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
$Products = $NULL
$languages = @()
foreach ($product in $Products)
foreach ($language in $product.Languages)
if (!($languages -contains $language)) {
$languages += $language
return $languages
Function Get-ODTProductToAdd{
Gets list of Products and the corresponding language and exlcudeapp values
from the specified configuration file
Switch to return All Products
Id of Product that you want to pull from the configuration file
.PARAMETER TargetFilePath
Required. Full file path for the file.
Get-ODTProductToAdd -All -TargetFilePath "$env:Public\Documents\config.xml"
Returns all Products and their corresponding Language and Exclude values
if they have them
Get-ODTProductToAdd -ProductId "O365ProPlusRetail" -TargetFilePath "$env:Public\Documents\config.xml"
Returns the Product with the O365ProPlusRetail Id and its corresponding
Language and Exclude values
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
[string] $ConfigurationXML = $NULL,
[Microsoft.Office.Products] $ProductId = "Unknown",
[string] $TargetFilePath,
[switch] $All
$TargetFilePath = GetFilePath -TargetFilePath $TargetFilePath
#Load the file
[System.XML.XMLDocument]$ConfigFile = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
if ($TargetFilePath) {
$content = Get-Content $TargetFilePath
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($content) | Out-Null
} else {
if ($ConfigurationXml)
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($ConfigurationXml) | Out-Null
$global:saveLastConfigFile = $NULL
$global:saveLastFilePath = $NULL
#Check that the file is properly formatted
if($ConfigFile.Configuration -eq $null){
throw $NoConfigurationElement
if($ConfigFile.Configuration.Add -eq $null){
throw $NoAddElement
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "All"){
foreach($ProductElement in $ConfigFile.Configuration.Add.Product){
$Result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProductId" -Value ($ProductElement.GetAttribute("ID"))
if($ProductElement.Language -ne $null){
$ProductLangs = $configfile.Configuration.Add.Product.Language | % {$_.ID}
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Languages" -Value $ProductLangs
if($ProductElement.ExcludeApp -ne $null){
$ProductExlApps = $configfile.Configuration.Add.Product.ExcludeApp | % {$_.ID}
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ExcludedApps" -Value $ProductExlApps
if ($ProductId) {
[System.XML.XMLElement]$ProductElement = $ConfigFile.Configuration.Add.Product | where { $_.ID -eq $ProductId }
if ($ProductElement) {
$tempId = $ProductElement.GetAttribute("ID")
$Result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProductId" -Value $tempId
if($ProductElement.Language -ne $null){
$ProductLangs = $configfile.Configuration.Add.Product.Language | % {$_.ID}
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Languages" -Value $ProductLangs
if($ProductElement.ExcludeApp -ne $null){
$ProductExlApps = $configfile.Configuration.Add.Product.ExcludeApp | % {$_.ID}
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ExcludedApps" -Value $ProductExlApps
Function Get-ODTAdd{
Gets the value of the Add section in the configuration file
.PARAMETER TargetFilePath
Required. Full file path for the file.
Get-ODTAdd -TargetFilePath "$env:Public\Documents\config.xml"
Returns the value of the Add section if it exists in the specified file.
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
[string] $ConfigurationXML = $NULL,
[string] $TargetFilePath
$TargetFilePath = GetFilePath -TargetFilePath $TargetFilePath
#Load the file
[System.XML.XMLDocument]$ConfigFile = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
if ($TargetFilePath) {
$content = Get-Content $TargetFilePath
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($content) | Out-Null
} else {
if ($ConfigurationXml)
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($ConfigurationXml) | Out-Null
$global:saveLastConfigFile = $NULL
$global:saveLastFilePath = $NULL
#Check that the file is properly formatted
if($ConfigFile.Configuration -eq $null){
throw $NoConfigurationElement
$ConfigFile.Configuration.GetElementsByTagName("Add") | Select OfficeClientEdition, SourcePath, Version, Channel, Branch
Function Set-ODTDisplay{
Modifies an existing configuration xml file to set display level and acceptance of the EULA
Optional. Determines the user interface that the user sees when the
operation is performed. If Level is set to None, the user sees no UI.
No progress UI, completion screen, error dialog boxes, or first run
automatic start UI are displayed. If Level is set to Full, the user
sees the normal Click-to-Run user interface: Automatic start,
application splash screen, and error dialog boxes.
If this attribute is set to TRUE, the user does not see a Microsoft
Software License Terms dialog box. If this attribute is set to FALSE
or is not set, the user may see a Microsoft Software License Terms dialog box.
.PARAMETER TargetFilePath
Full file path for the file to be modified and be output to.
Set-ODTLogging -Level "Full" -TargetFilePath "$env:Public/Documents/config.xml"
Sets config show the UI during install
Set-ODTDisplay -Level "none" -AcceptEULA "True" -TargetFilePath "$env:Public/Documents/config.xml"
Sets config to hide UI and automatically accept EULA during install
Here is what the portion of configuration file looks like when modified by this function:
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
[string] $ConfigurationXML = $NULL,
[LogLevel] $Level,
[bool] $AcceptEULA = $true,
[string] $TargetFilePath
$TargetFilePath = GetFilePath -TargetFilePath $TargetFilePath
#Load file
[System.XML.XMLDocument]$ConfigFile = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
if ($TargetFilePath) {
$content = Get-Content $TargetFilePath
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($content) | Out-Null
} else {
if ($ConfigurationXml)
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($ConfigurationXml) | Out-Null
$global:saveLastConfigFile = $NULL
$global:saveLastFilePath = $NULL
$global:saveLastConfigFile = $ConfigFile.OuterXml
#Check for proper root element
if($ConfigFile.Configuration -eq $null){
throw $NoConfigurationElement
#Get display element if it exists
[System.XML.XMLElement]$DisplayElement = $ConfigFile.Configuration.GetElementsByTagName("Display").Item(0)
if($ConfigFile.Configuration.Display -eq $null){
$ConfigFile.Configuration.appendChild($DisplayElement) | Out-Null
#Set values
if($Level -ne $null){
$DisplayElement.SetAttribute("Level", $Level) | Out-Null
} else {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Level')) {
if($AcceptEULA -ne $null){
$DisplayElement.SetAttribute("AcceptEULA", $AcceptEULA.ToString().ToUpper()) | Out-Null
} else {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AcceptEULA')) {
$ConfigFile.Save($TargetFilePath) | Out-Null
$global:saveLastFilePath = $TargetFilePath
if (($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PipelineLength -eq 1) -or `
($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PipelineLength -eq $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PipelinePosition)) {
Format-XML ([xml](cat $TargetFilePath)) -indent 4
Write-Host "The Office XML Configuration file has been saved to: $TargetFilePath"
} else {
$results = new-object PSObject[] 0;
$Result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TargetFilePath" -Value $TargetFilePath
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Level" -Value $Level
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AcceptEULA" -Value $AcceptEULA
Function GetFilePath() {
[string] $TargetFilePath
if (!($TargetFilePath)) {
$TargetFilePath = $global:saveLastFilePath
if (!($TargetFilePath)) {
Write-Host "Enter the path to the XML Configuration File: " -NoNewline
$TargetFilePath = Read-Host
} else {
#Write-Host "Target XML Configuration File: $TargetFilePath"
$locationPath = (Get-Location).Path
if (!($TargetFilePath.IndexOf('\') -gt -1)) {
$TargetFilePath = $locationPath + "\" + $TargetFilePath
return $TargetFilePath
Function Get-OfficeCTRRegPath() {
$path15 = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun'
$path16 = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun'
if (Test-Path "HKLM:\$path15") {
return $path15
} else {
if (Test-Path "HKLM:\$path16") {
return $path16
Function Set-ODTProductToAdd{
Modifies an existing configuration xml file to modify a existing product item.
.PARAMETER ExcludeApps
Array of IDs of Apps to exclude from install
Required. ID must be set to a valid ProductRelease ID.
See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2842297 for valid ids.
.PARAMETER LanguageIds
Possible values match 'll-cc' pattern (Microsoft Language ids)
The ID value can be set to a valid Office culture language (such as en-us
for English US or ja-jp for Japanese). The ll-cc value is the language
.PARAMETER TargetFilePath
Full file path for the file to be modified and be output to.
Add-ODTProductToAdd -ProductId "O365ProPlusRetail" -LanguageId ("en-US", "es-es") -TargetFilePath "$env:Public/Documents/config.xml" -ExcludeApps ("Access", "InfoPath")
Sets config to add the English and Spanish version of office 365 ProPlus
excluding Access and InfoPath
Add-ODTProductToAdd -ProductId "O365ProPlusRetail" -LanguageId ("en-US", "es-es) -TargetFilePath "$env:Public/Documents/config.xml"
Sets config to add the English and Spanish version of office 365 ProPlus
Here is what the portion of configuration file looks like when modified by this function:
<Add OfficeClientEdition="64" >
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="en-US" />
<Language ID="es-es" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Access">
<ExcludeApp ID="InfoPath">
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
[string] $ConfigurationXML = $NULL,
[string] $TargetFilePath = $NULL,
[Microsoft.Office.Products] $ProductId = "Unknown",
[string[]] $LanguageIds = $NULL,
[string[]] $ExcludeApps = $NULL,
$currentFileName = Get-CurrentFileName
Set-Alias -name LINENUM -value Get-CurrentLineNumber
$TargetFilePath = GetFilePath -TargetFilePath $TargetFilePath
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "TargetFilePath set to $TargetFilePath" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if ($ProductId -eq "Unknown") {
$ProductId = SelectProductId
$ProductId = IsValidProductId -ProductId $ProductId
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "ProductId set to $ProductId" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
$langCount = $LanguageIds.Count
if ($langCount -gt 0) {
foreach ($language in $LanguageIds) {
$language = IsSupportedLanguage -Language $language
#Load the file
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Loading the configuration file" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
[System.XML.XMLDocument]$ConfigFile = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
if ($TargetFilePath) {
$content = Get-Content $TargetFilePath
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($content) | Out-Null
} else {
if ($ConfigurationXml)
$ConfigFile.LoadXml($ConfigurationXml) | Out-Null
$global:saveLastConfigFile = $NULL
$global:saveLastFilePath = $NULL
$TargetFilePath = $NULL
$global:saveLastConfigFile = $ConfigFile.OuterXml
#Check that the file is properly formatted
if($ConfigFile.Configuration -eq $null){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "$NoConfigurationElement" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
throw $NoConfigurationElement
if($ConfigFile.Configuration.Add -eq $null){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Cannot find 'Add' element" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
throw "Cannot find 'Add' element"
$AddElement = $ConfigFile.Configuration.Add
#Set the desired values
[System.XML.XMLElement]$ProductElement = $ConfigFile.Configuration.Add.Product | Where { $_.ID -eq $ProductId }
if($ProductElement -eq $null){
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Cannot find Product with Id '$ProductId'" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
throw "Cannot find Product with Id '$ProductId'"
if ($LanguageIds) {
$existingLangs = $ProductElement.selectnodes("./Language")
if ($existingLangs.count -gt 0) {
foreach ($lang in $existingLangs) {
$ProductElement.removeChild($lang) | Out-Null
foreach($LanguageId in $LanguageIds){
[System.XML.XMLElement]$LanguageElement = $ProductElement.Language | Where { $_.ID -eq $LanguageId }
if($LanguageElement -eq $null){
$ProductElement.appendChild($LanguageElement) | Out-Null
$LanguageElement.SetAttribute("ID", $LanguageId) | Out-Null
if ($ExcludeApps) {
$existingExcludes = $ProductElement.selectnodes("./ExcludeApp")
if ($existingExcludes.count -gt 0) {
foreach ($exclude in $existingLangs) {
$ProductElement.removeChild($exclude) | Out-Null
foreach($ExcludeApp in $ExcludeApps){
[System.XML.XMLElement]$ExcludeAppElement = $ProductElement.ExcludeApp | Where { $_.ID -eq $ExcludeApp }
if($ExcludeAppElement -eq $null){
$ProductElement.appendChild($ExcludeAppElement) | Out-Null
$ExcludeAppElement.SetAttribute("ID", $ExcludeApp) | Out-Null
$ConfigFile.Save($TargetFilePath) | Out-Null
$global:saveLastFilePath = $TargetFilePath
if (($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PipelineLength -eq 1) -or `
($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PipelineLength -eq $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PipelinePosition)) {
Format-XML ([xml](cat $TargetFilePath)) -indent 4
Write-Host "The Office XML Configuration file has been saved to: $TargetFilePath"
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "The Office XML Configuration file has been saved to: $TargetFilePath" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
} else {
$results = new-object PSObject[] 0;
$Result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TargetFilePath" -Value $TargetFilePath
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProductId" -Value $ProductId
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LanguageIds" -Value $LanguageIds
Function Wait-ForOfficeCTRInstall() {
[int] $TimeOutInMinutes = 120,
[OfficeCTRVersion] $OfficeVersion = "Office2016",
begin {
$HKLM = [UInt32] "0x80000002"
$HKCR = [UInt32] "0x80000000"
process {
$currentFileName = Get-CurrentFileName
Set-Alias -name LINENUM -value Get-CurrentLineNumber
Write-Host "Waiting for Install to Begin..."
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Waiting for Install to Begin..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
#Start-Sleep -Seconds 25
if($OfficeVersion -eq 'Office2016'){
$mainRegPath = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun'
} else {
$mainRegPath = Get-OfficeCTRRegPath
$scenarioPath = $mainRegPath + "\scenario"
$regProv = Get-Wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -namespace root\default -ErrorAction Stop
[DateTime]$startTime = Get-Date
[string]$executingScenario = ""
$failure = $false
[string[]]$trackProgress = @()
[string[]]$trackComplete = @()
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 2
$sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
while ($sw.elapsed -lt $timeout){
try {
$exScenario = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $mainRegPath, "ExecutingScenario")
if($exScenario.sValue){ break; }
} catch {}
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
if ($exScenario) {
$executingScenario = $exScenario.sValue
do {
$allComplete = $true
$scenarioKeys = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $scenarioPath)
foreach ($scenarioKey in $scenarioKeys.sNames) {
if (!($executingScenario)) { continue }
if ($scenarioKey.ToLower() -eq $executingScenario.ToLower()) {
$taskKeyPath = $scenarioPath + "\$scenarioKey\TasksState"
$taskValues = $regProv.EnumValues($HKLM, $taskKeyPath).sNames
foreach ($taskValue in $taskValues) {
[string]$status = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $taskKeyPath, $taskValue).sValue
$operation = $taskValue.Split(':')[0]
$keyValue = $taskValue
if ($status.ToUpper() -eq "TASKSTATE_FAILED") {
$failure = $true
$displayValue = showTaskStatus -Operation $operation -Status $status -DateTime (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
if (($status.ToUpper() -eq "TASKSTATE_COMPLETED") -or`
($status.ToUpper() -eq "TASKSTATE_CANCELLED") -or`
($status.ToUpper() -eq "TASKSTATE_FAILED")) {
if (($trackProgress -contains $keyValue) -and !($trackComplete -contains $keyValue)) {
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError $displayValue -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
$trackComplete += $keyValue
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} else {
$allComplete = $false
$updateRunning = $true
if ($trackProgress -notcontains $keyValue) {
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError $displayValue -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
$trackProgress += $keyValue
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
if ($startTime -lt (Get-Date).AddHours(-$TimeOutInMinutes)) {
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Waiting for Update Timed-Out" -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
throw "Waiting for Update Timed-Out"
$updateRunning = $false
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} while($updateRunning -eq $true)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host 'Update failed'
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError 'Update failed' -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
} else {
if($trackProgress.Count -gt 0){
Write-Host ""
Write-Host 'Update complete'
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError 'Update complete' -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
} else {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host 'Update not running'
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError 'Update not running' -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
function showTaskStatus() {
[string] $Operation = "",
[string] $Status = "",
[string] $DateTime = ""
$Result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Operation" -Value $Operation
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value $Status
Add-Member -InputObject $Result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DateTime" -Value $DateTime
return $Result
Function StartProcess {
[bool]$WaitForExit = $false
$startExe = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$startExe.FileName = $execFilePath
$startExe.Arguments = $execParams
$startExe.CreateNoWindow = $false
$startExe.UseShellExecute = $false
$execStatement = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($startExe)
if ($WaitForExit) {
Write-Log -Message $_.Exception.Message -severity 1 -component "Office 365 Update Anywhere"
Function GetScriptRoot() {
process {
[string]$scriptPath = "."
if ($PSScriptRoot) {
$scriptPath = $PSScriptRoot
} else {
$scriptPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
return $scriptPath
Function Format-XML ([xml]$xml, $indent=2) {
$StringWriter = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter
$XmlWriter = New-Object System.XMl.XmlTextWriter $StringWriter
$xmlWriter.Formatting = "indented"
$xmlWriter.Indentation = $Indent
Write-Output $StringWriter.ToString()
function Set-OfficePinnedApplication {
Automate the process for pinning or unpinning Office apps
Pin or unpin Office apps from the Start Menu or Taskbarb setting the action
Set-PinnedApplication -Action PinToTaskbar
[ValidateSet("Word","Excel","PowerPoint","OneNote","Access","Publisher","Outlook","Skype for Business",
"OneDrive for Business","Project","Visio")]
[string[]]$OfficeApps = $null,
$currentFileName = Get-CurrentFileName
Set-Alias -name LINENUM -value Get-CurrentLineNumber
$ctr = Get-OfficeVersion
if($ctr.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]"){
$ClickToRun = $ctr[0].ClickToRun
} else {
$ClickToRun = (Get-OfficeVersion).ClickToRun
$ctr = Get-OfficeVersion
if($ctr.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]"){
$InstallPath = $ctr[0].InstallPath
} else {
$InstallPath = (Get-OfficeVersion).InstallPath
$ctr = Get-OfficeVersion
if($ctr.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]"){
$officeVersion = $ctr[0].Version.Split('.')[0]
} else {
$officeVersion = (Get-OfficeVersion).Version.Split('.')[0]
if($InstallPath.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]"){
$InstallPath = $InstallPath[0]
if($ClickToRun -eq $true) {
$officeAppPath = $InstallPath + "\root\Office" + $officeVersion
} else {
$officeAppPath = $InstallPath + "Office" + $officeVersion
$officeAppList = @()
} else {
foreach($app in $OfficeApps){
"Word" {
$officeAppList += "WINWORD.EXE"
"Excel" {
$officeAppList += "EXCEL.EXE"
"PowerPoint" {
$officeAppList += "POWERPNT.EXE"
"OneNote" {
$officeAppList += "ONENOTE.EXE"
"Access" {
$officeAppList += "MSACCESS.EXE"
"Publisher" {
$officeAppList += "MSPUB.EXE"
"Outlook" {
$officeAppList += "OUTLOOK.EXE"
"Skype for Business" {
$officeAppList += "lync.exe"
"OneDrive for Business" {
$officeAppList += "GROOVE.EXE"
"Project" {
$officeAppList += "WINPROJ.EXE"
"Visio" {
$officeAppList += "VISIO.EXE"
foreach($app in $officeAppList){
if(Test-Path ($officeAppPath + "\$app")){
switch($Action) {
"PinToStartMenu" {
Write-Host "Pinning $app to the Start Menu..."
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Pinning $app to the Start Menu..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10){
$actionId = '51201'
} else {
$actionId = '5381'
"UnpinFromStartMenu" {
Write-Host "Removing $app from the Start Menu..."
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Removing $app from the Start Menu..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10){
$actionId = '51394'
} else {
$actionId = '5382'
"PinToTaskbar" {
Write-Host "Pinning $app to the TaskBar..."
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Pinning $app to the TaskBar..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
if([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10){
throw "Unable to pin items to the taskbar in Windows 10"
$actionId = '5386'
"UnpinFromTaskbar" {
Write-Host "Removing $app from the TaskBar..."
WriteToLogFile -LNumber $(LINENUM) -FName $currentFileName -ActionError "Removing $app from the TaskBar..." -LogFilePath $LogFilePath
$actionId = '5387'
InvokeVerb -FilePath ($officeAppPath + "\$app") -Verb $(GetVerb -VerbId $actionId) -officeVersion $officeVersion
function GetVerb {
try {
$t = [type]"CosmosKey.Util.MuiHelper"
} catch {
$def = [Text.StringBuilder]""
[void]$def.AppendLine('public static extern int LoadString(IntPtr h,uint id, System.Text.StringBuilder sb,int maxBuffer);')
[void]$def.AppendLine('public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string s);')
Add-Type -MemberDefinition $def.ToString() -name MuiHelper -namespace CosmosKey.Util
if($global:CosmosKey_Utils_MuiHelper_Shell32 -eq $null){
$global:CosmosKey_Utils_MuiHelper_Shell32 = [CosmosKey.Util.MuiHelper]::LoadLibrary("shell32.dll")
$verbBuilder = new-object Text.StringBuilder "",$maxVerbLength
return $verbBuilder.ToString()
function InvokeVerb {
$verb = $verb.Replace("&","")
$path= split-path $FilePath
$shell=new-object -com "Shell.Application"
$item = $folder.Parsename((split-path $FilePath -leaf))
$itemVerb = $item.Verbs() | ? {$_.Name.Replace("&","") -eq $verb}
if(([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10) -and ($verb -eq 'Unpin from taskbar')){
Remove-PinnedOfficeAppsForWindows10 -OfficeApp $item.Name -officeVersion $officeVersion
}else {
function Remove-PinnedOfficeAppsForWindows10() {
$Action = 'Unpin from taskbar'
$officeAppName = "Word"
$officeAppName = "Excel"
$officeAppName = "PowerPoint"
$officeAppName = "OneNote"
$officeAppName = "Access"
$officeAppName = "Publisher"
$officeAppName = "Outlook"
"lync" {
$officeAppName = "Skype for Business"
$officeAppName = "OneDrive for Business"
$officeAppName = "Project"
$officeAppName = "Visio"
"11" {
$officeAppVersion = "Microsoft Office " + $officeAppName + " 2003"
"12" {
$officeAppVersion = "Microsoft Office " + $officeAppName + " 2007"
"14" {
$officeAppVersion = "Microsoft " + $officeAppName + " 2010"
"15" {
$officeAppVersion = $officeAppName + " 2013"
"16" {
$officeAppVersion = $officeAppName + " 2016"
((New-Object -Com Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}').Items() | ? {$_.Name -like $officeAppVersion}).Verbs() | ? {$_.Name.replace('&','') -match $Action} | % {$_.DoIt()}
function GetOfficeAppVerbStatus{
[ValidateSet("Word","Excel","PowerPoint","OneNote","Access","Publisher","Outlook","Skype for Business",
"OneDrive for Business","Project","Visio")]
$defaultDisplaySet = 'Name','PinToStartMenuAvailable', 'PinToTaskbarAvailable'
$defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$defaultDisplaySet)
$PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)
$results = new-object PSObject[] 0;
$ctr = Get-OfficeVersion
if($ctr -ne $null){
if($ctr.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]"){
$ctr = $ctr[0]
$officeversion = $ctr.Version.Split('.')[0]
} else {
$officeVersion = (Get-OfficeVersion).Version.Split('.')[0]
$InstallPath = $ctr.InstallPath
$ctr = $ctr.ClickToRun
if($ctr -eq $true) {
$officeAppPath = $InstallPath + "\root\Office" + $officeVersion
} else {
$officeAppPath = $InstallPath + "Office" + $officeVersion
$availableApps = @()
$officeAppList = @()
} else {
foreach($app in $OfficeApps){
"Word" {
$officeAppList += "WINWORD.EXE"
"Excel" {
$officeAppList += "EXCEL.EXE"
"PowerPoint" {
$officeAppList += "POWERPNT.EXE"
"OneNote" {
$officeAppList += "ONENOTE.EXE"
"Access" {
$officeAppList += "MSACCESS.EXE"
"Publisher" {
$officeAppList += "MSPUB.EXE"
"Outlook" {
$officeAppList += "OUTLOOK.EXE"
"Lync" {
$officeAppList += "lync.exe"
"OneDriveForBusiness" {
$officeAppList += "GROOVE.EXE"
"Project" {
$officeAppList += "WINPROJ.EXE"
"Visio" {
$officeAppList += "VISIO.EXE"
foreach($app in $OfficeAppList){
if(Test-Path ($officeAppPath + "\$app")){
$availableApps += $app
foreach($app in $availableApps){
$officeAppName = "Word"
$officeAppName = "Excel"
$officeAppName = "PowerPoint"
$officeAppName = "OneNote"
$officeAppName = "Access"
$officeAppName = "Publisher"
$officeAppName = "Outlook"
"lync.exe" {
$officeAppName = "Skype for Business"
$officeAppName = "OneDrive for Business"
$officeAppName = "Project"
$officeAppName = "Visio"
if(!($officeAppName -eq "OneDrive for Business")){
"11" {
$officeAppVersion = "Microsoft Office " + $officeAppName + " 2003"
"12" {
$officeAppVersion = "Microsoft Office " + $officeAppName + " 2007"
"14" {
$officeAppVersion = "Microsoft " + $officeAppName + " 2010"
"15" {
$officeAppVersion = $officeAppName + " 2013"
"16" {
$officeAppVersion = $officeAppName + " 2016"
[bool]$availablePinToStartMenu = $false
[bool]$availablePinToTaskbar = $false
if([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10){
$verbs = ((New-Object -Com Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}').Items() | ? {$_.Name -like $officeAppVersion}).Verbs() | select Name
foreach($verb in $verbs.name){
"Pin to Start" {
$availablePinToStartMenu = $true
"Pin to Taskbar" {
$availablePinToTaskbar = $true
} else {
$pinActions = @("5381","5386")
foreach($action in $pinActions){
$verb = GetVerb -verbId $action
$verb = $verb.Replace("&","")
$FilePath = $officeAppPath + "\" + $app
$path = Split-Path $FilePath
$shell = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application"
$folder = $shell.Namespace($path)
$item = $folder.Parsename((Split-Path $filepath -Leaf))
$itemverb = $item.Verbs() | ? {$_.Name.Replace("&","") -eq $verb}
"Pin to Start Menu" {
$availablePinToStartMenu = $true
"Pin to Taskbar" {
$availablePinToTaskbar = $true
$object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = $officeAppName; PinToStartMenuAvailable = $availablePinToStartMenu; PinToTaskbarAvailable = $availablePinToTaskbar;}
$object | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers
$results += $object
return $results
function Get-CurrentLineNumber {
function Get-CurrentFileName{
Function WriteToLogFile() {
$headerString = "Time".PadRight(30, ' ') + "Line Number".PadRight(15,' ') + "FileName".PadRight(60,' ') + "Action"
$stringToWrite = $(Get-Date -Format G).PadRight(30, ' ') + $($LNumber).PadRight(15, ' ') + $($FName).PadRight(60,' ') + $ActionError
$LogFilePath = "$env:windir\Temp\" + (Get-Date -Format u).Substring(0,10)+"_OfficeDeploymentLog.txt"
if(Test-Path $LogFilePath){
Add-Content $LogFilePath $stringToWrite
else{#if not exists, create new
Add-Content $LogFilePath $headerString
Add-Content $LogFilePath $stringToWrite
} catch [Exception]{
Write-Host $_
Press Enter. Follow the prompt as they display for any dropdowns chose "semi".